
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ubuntu-8.04 rocks!

I installed Ubunty 8.04 Hardy on my Inspiron 1520. The installation went through very smoothly. I was amazed to find such an easy Linux installation. That too most of the hardware worked. Could test most of my hardware with the Live CD version itself. The installation was over in around 20 minutes.

After i booted into the installed linux by mistake i installed the restricted drivers for my nvidia GeForce graphics card. That's the end of it. No Xserver worked after i rebooted. I did not hear the Ubuntu's community warning that i should not install the restricted driver. Could not get to uninstall it in recovery mode. So switched to command mode(without X) in normal bootup mode and did

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh

this reconfigured the Xserver files to use the default drivers for X and could boot again properly. Thanks to Ubuntu community forum! Now i need to find out how to get the proper versions of the driver.
